But if your serious about getting your website up on the web and getting it to show up in the top search results. You will want to know how these search engines view websites. Now you can caugh up several thousands of dollars to higher someone who is experienced in SEO(search Engine Optimizing) or a SEO program(A program that does SEO work). But if your a cheap ass, which is perfectly ok and I support that, because that means you want to learn how to do it yourself.
So first what you will want to do is learn how search engines view your website. To be honest with there are many text based web browsers out there. But I would recommend using Lynx to view sites to see how google sees them. The reason I would recommend this is even google says that is how it sees the websites.
View a few site in the browser to see how they look. You might notice that they look much different then what you see. That is pretty much how google sees these sites.
Then you are going to want to add your website to different search engines.
- Yahoo
- Live
- Ask (Currently there is no possible way on earth to submit your site to Ask. So you just have to wait for them to find you.)
- aol (uses google technology so if your site shows up in google it will show up in aol)
- AltaVista (uses google technology so if your site shows up in google it will show up in aol)
- Dog Pile (use Yahoo, Google, and M$N Live technologies so no need to submit your site here.)
After your done doing that you will want to validate your site code. Depending on what languages your using for your site, you may need to use different validators. And there are many types out there by many companies. But if you want the best results you might want to go to W3C, because they are the ones who decide what languages need to be put on the web. In a sense they are the titans of the web.
If all of your page validate then that is great. That means your format is good, and your chances are very high in getting into google. Also to remain higher up in search engines try to avoid hidden text or links and door way pages created just for search engines or other cookie cutter approaches. Also don't use cloaking or redirects, automated automated queries Load pages with irrelevant keywords do not use multiple domain names or sub domains with the same content. Another thing that is very surprising is your rankings will decrease in google if your site is a phishing site or downloads malware onto a persons computer.
If your site did not make it into the search engines for some reason or another then you can always fix your site and resubmit it for reconsideration.
You may notice that search engines wont always catch all the pages of your website. Well that is just because the spiders haven't crawled those pages yet. They will eventually. But to speed things up you may want to add a sitemap. A sitemap is an XML file that has all the urls you want search engines to search. Search engines will usually search the sitemap first to see if it got all of the URLs. If it missed any it will know exactly where to go since you told it the exact URL.
Now if you want to hide certain URLs from the public, can use something called a robots file. A robots file is just a simple txt file, that says what pages to allow and not allow search engines to search.
And further more to get listed higher into the search engines is to post links to your website all over the web. Some places to post them in would be your Profiles, groups(only if the groups don't say no spamming) or classifieds. Other social networking sites, Classified sites such as Craigslist, Blogger or Press Release websites. You could also join a web ring.
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