Jan 11, 2008

Hacking Verizon Cell Phones

The time every geek has waited for has come to me. I got a cool LG cell phone for Christmas, and what is even better is I don't have to pay the bill. Well kind of. My mother who is paying the bill told me I can only make phone calls and send text messages with the phone Or the bill will sky rocket and I will have to chip in. So god damn it thought I have this cool phone with all these cool features and I can only use 2 of them. But my hacker sense where tingling and I was determent to find away around this without paying.

It turns out my LG cell phone has a memory card slot. Yippy I thought hackers paradise. It took a mini SD card. So I bought I 2GB mini SD card and put a few videos on it. I then viewed the videos on the phone. I did the same with music and pictures. Now I also know that my phone supports Java Applications. So why should I bother buying Applications for my phone on Verizon's so called Get It Now service (It should be call get it now for a price). I could easily make a program or a game right on my computer in Java then put it on the card and wholla, I had already beaten Verizon at there own game 4 times. No Verizon a.k.a Big Brother your not going to get extra money out of me.

But the true problem that I had ran into was the fact that my website has a form made with PHP and when people fill the form out and submit it, the info gets E-Mailed to me. This would be a problem I thought. After all how on Earth can I check my E-Mails on my phone if I can't use the internet on the phone. I felt another hack coming on. Then I found out that SMS or Text Messaging is actually the same thing as E-Mails. Literally. And that the E-Mail address wasn't hard to figure out at all. The E-Mail address was my phone number@vtext.com. So if my Verizon cell phone number was +1-807-555-1212 then my cell phones E-Mail address would be 8075551212@vtext.com. So I wanted to try sending myself a SMS threw my GMail account. So sent myself a message and and few seconds later my Cell phone beeped telling me I had a text message. It even said that it was from my E-Mail address. I quickly changed my E-Mail address on my PHP form to my phones E-Mail address. I then filled the form out. It worked but I had to many fields and the message got cut off. So I change the form to have the old E-Mail address on it for more flexibility. But I then added another form that limited the amount of character someone could type. This way it would get cut off.

God damn I thought Verizon must be a genius how on Earth am I going to get direction, news, movie times, flight times or even where someone was calling me from by looking up there area code. I knew you could do all of this with google, but I needed internet and I am to much of a cheap as. It turns out google has several ways for you to do alot of stuff off line. For a regular google search you could just send them an SMS message to 466453 or in letters that would be google. Then send a search query as your message. Now for driving direction the easier way to do that is by calling goog411. The phone number is +1-800-GOOG411 and then you say what your looking for.

Yes I know I beat you Verizon and there is nothing you can do about it. Everything I did to beat you is perfectly legal and legit. And I will never pay more then is necessary for a service.


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Anonymous said...

Wow beating the system. That is what true hacking is about. But what features does your phone have that you can't use do to charges?

Anonymous said...

Are you from Alaska? Because I noticed that you put the Alaska phone directory as a phone number.

Unknown said...

Nope but I was hoping someone would notice that. I actually put Alaska's area code there for a reason. And the reason is actually very simple. Alaska is the Biggest State in the US and it only has a single area code. The reason for that is because of it's small population. Also in alot of parts of Alaska Cell phones wont work.

Anonymous said...

Your full of shit. I tried sending myself text message threw my Hotmail. And it didn't work. I then called my T Mobile dealer and he didn't even know what the hell I was talking about.

Unknown said...

The key word in the blog is called Verizon. Most likely what I believe you probably did was tried using your cell phone number@vtext.com like so (2025551212@vtext.com) that would be a cell phone E-Mail address for a cell phone with that phone number that is using Verizon Services. I would try using your cell phone E-Mail address like so (5055551212@tmomail.net) and that should work.

Anonymous said...

I tried using that google feature but I don't think it is working.

Unknown said...

Try going to http://www.google.com/intl/en_us/mobile/sms/
I believe your problem may be your not typing in the right Key words. There are list of keywords that you can use along with instruction on how to use them. Or you can also text them help and it should help you.

Unknown said...

Just in case anyone was wandering I couldn't figure out how to get my Cell Phones E-Mail Address to go in to my E-Mail client(Thunderbird/Outlook) my thought are because it doesn't support pop3, imap, smtp protocols. But I may be wrong I just couldn't do it. However what I ended up doing was setting up an extra E-Mail account that does support pop3 & smtp protocols and had that E-Mail forward all message to my Cell Phone. The reason I did this was so I could use google alerts. I simply have the alerts go to my one E-Mail address and it forwards the alerts to my cell phone.

Anonymous said...

OMG. Your fucking genius. It fucking worked man. How on earth did you figure this crap out. Well I guess with a name like LinuxPhreak you must be Phreaking all the time. Cooooooool

Anonymous said...

Why did you need to have the E-Mail in your Thunderbird to use google alerts?

Unknown said...

Well when you have multiple E-Mail accounts like me you like to be able to access them all threw a manager such as Thunderbird.

Anonymous said...

I tried finding where I live with 800-goog411, but for some reason I'm not in there directory. Why is this?

Unknown said...

zerocool1995 interesting name. Did you get that off of the 1995 movie Hackers. Where Dade Murphy's first alias was zerocool followed by CrashOverride.

But to answer your question goog411 is for businesses. If you own your own business you can add your Business to goog411.

Anonymous said...

I keep sending myself messages threw my Homail account to my phone. But for some reason my phone cuts off the end of my messages

Unknown said...

Do you mean Hotmail

I don't know if is this way for all phones. But on my verizon phone I can only send and receive messages that have less than or equal to 160 characters. If your sending long messages to your self via E-Mail it will get cut off.

Anonymous said...

You should take the blog down. I am prepared to tell my boss at Verizon and I'm sure he is prepared to tell his attorney. You don't want this to be brought to court. And if you knew what was good for you, you would remove the blog.

Unknown said...

3 words. Freedom of speech. I have the right as an American Citizen to to say what I want and have put on the Web, TV, News Papers and water ever else I want with out fear of consequence.

Feel free to tell your boss because I think your full of it. I don't believe you work for Verizon, and if you do your just one big tattle tale kissing peoples asses.

Anonymous said...

You need to watch it. I've already told you. And since it is obvious your not going to take my advice I will report you. I warned you.

Unknown said...

Just found out that google released a new SMS feature. You can now check your google calendar with your cell phone and SMS. I tryed it and it's easy and works great. To access the calendar you simply send a text message to 48368 or it spells GVENT and you can get your schedule.

Unknown said...

I've also made my Skype forward all calls to my cell phone after 15 seconds.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,I was wondering if it's actually possible to read other people's SMS, from a local area code through spoofing? With that I mean, is it possible to "hack" into someone's SMS archive and read their messages? If the answer is yes, how would that differ from normal email "hacks"?

Unknown said...

It wouldn't differ from E-Mail hacks. But if you where to be doing spoofing it you would need to use your cell phone along with it. And if you where to spoof be very careful because that is where you would start to break the law. Now I would also like to let you know that you can't set up pop, imap or smtp protocols with the Cell phone E-Mail addresses. So you would have to hack it with out those protocols.

Anonymous said...

BigBen, thank you very much for your informations, however i don't see how does a cell phone reassemble an email "hack". First thing first; We have no IP address in whichto set our "base", lets just pretend (and i am trying this btw) that i want to manage to see my SMS on my computer, and am hacking my own Cell phone.What would i need to find-a-something IP related to my Cell Phone?I have my number of course, and through this Blog, i figured out my Cell phone Email..you know where I am getting with this right?


Unknown said...

Cloud I'm impressed with you. I finnaly have some blog readers who are actual hackers. Part of hacking is discovering things on your own. I have done very little research on your question, and prevous question. Mostly because I never thought of it. So I was more or less making edutated guesses. However to my knowledge cell phones and almost anything that goes on the web should have an IP address.

I found something that may help you in your quest. Cell Phone Software page

Good luck and keep me up to date ;)

helpme92 said...

can you tell me some cool hacks for a verizon chocolate vx8550??

Unknown said...

helpme92 well I've found that if you have a verizon cell phone most of the hack I mentioned here will be very universal.

Anonymous said...

After Pinging vtext.com, the IP address is there's gotta be a way to spoof.

My wife and I use the email thing all the time. I don't have any SMS package, and she has unlimited. While at work just send an email the the phone #@vtext.com or @vzwpix.com and shouldn't have a problem sending back and forth... for free.

Any other tips, other than pressing * or # on the tools/menu and entering in 000000 to get hidden menus?

Unknown said...

First of all after a little bit of research I found out that, the cell phones IP address is dynamic. However the SMS services IP address is static. So yes it is possible. I haven't tried spoofing it. But it is possible. Keep me up to date if you find out how to spoof it.

Anonymous said...

do you think that there is any way that you can make those games available for download?

Unknown said...

There is many ways to make them available for downloads. I have just been so busy that I haven't created a site to download the games. But if you had a computer you could go to the site then download the game you wanted and put it on the card and then put it on your phone.

Anonymous said...

Have you figured out a way to use spoof apps on Verizon or is that ONLY for the iphone??

999jake666 said...

Hey man, I was just wondering I got this new cell phone and my ass is too poor to get account from a retail sales man, And I use Air time and stuff like that. You see the night I was texting (something I like to do a lot) and I had gotten a 15 minute phone card. And before I knew It I was down to 5 bucks out of 20. JUST FROM TEXTING I was wondering if you could help me with this little problem.. I like to use yahoo and what not to do my text. And I don't have the money to be Shooting money into my fone every night due to my texting. So if ya could help me tell me. That would be sweet !! Its a Verizon phone. Samsung SCH-u340 So yeah if ya could get a hang of me.. I would like it if you E-mailed me or something..Because I am a slow leaner..lol..Yeah Thanks I read your blog it was awesome it blow my mind !! So get back to me . lol

Unknown said...

999jake666 Said

Hey man, I was just wondering I got this new cell phone and my ass is too poor to get account from a retail sales man, And I use Air time and stuff like that. You see the night I was texting (something I like to do a lot) and I had gotten a 15 minute phone card. And before I knew It I was down to 5 bucks out of 20. JUST FROM TEXTING I was wondering if you could help me with this little problem.. I like to use yahoo and what not to do my text. And I don't have the money to be Shooting money into my fone every night due to my texting. So if ya could help me tell me. That would be sweet !! Its a Verizon phone. Samsung SCH-u340 So yeah if ya could get a hang of me.. I would like it if you E-mailed me or something..Because I am a slow leaner..lol..Yeah Thanks I read your blog it was awesome it blow my mind !! So get back to me . lol

I would use a prepaid phone if your going to do alot of SMS, or you will always get screwed. I would get a service plan with unlimited text messaging package. The Text Messaging package is only $14.00 USD, it is well worth it. And most of the hacks I talk about in this blog require you to use Text Messaging and you will get a lot of them. I hope that info will help you.

Anonymous said...

Hmn..A service place..
Shit I don't know about that dude..
I kinda don't pay the bills around here (too Young)
And I would have to talk about getting a Plan like that. But man it sounds good. I freaking ran out of time again! last night..So I am kinda pissed about that. Can I ask what else I could do with my cheap phone ?

Anonymous said...

I'm Sid.. Dude.. nice job.. i'm about to get the lg dare,... imma try to hack it out.. if u have any info on free web browsing / texting / games./. let me know.. bobmundo123@gmail.com

halffast said...

is there any way to view deleted text messages on a verizon account. Please comment to halffast@rocketmail.com

Anonymous said...

how do you get java apps/games on a verizon lg phone...which phone was being used?

Anonymous said...

Hello- i have had numerous suspections that my boyfriend is cheating on me. I never have access to his phone...thats problem number one. wondering if you can help me hack into his phone,contacts,texts & voicemails. please let me know asap. thanks in advance he has an LG UX380.thanks Tracey

Anonymous said...

Hello- i have had numerous suspections that my boyfriend is cheating on me. I never have access to his phone...thats problem number one. wondering if you can help me hack into his phone,contacts,texts & voicemails. please let me know asap. thanks in advance he has an LG UX380.thanks Tracey
please email me @ browneyedgirl1324@yahoo.com.

Anonymous said...

I am also desperately searching for information on how to access my boyfriend's SMS texts and call log. He has the Verizon Boulder... I know, I know.. I don't need the whole speech on trusting him and what-not... it's a long damn story, but I was wondering if anyone could help me? Thanks in Advance...

Anonymous said...

I just bought a omnia i910 just to mess with an hack around with, i enjoy your blog Bigben its great. I thought id throw a link to a page i came across in my travels on doin cruel things to electronics. I see it would fit great in this blog. This is a big list of mobile carriers email address extensions like .... for Metro PCS
it would be .. 10digitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com .. here is the link, hope this helps people out.\



Anonymous said...

hmm... so how is it that you're putting java games on a verizon phone? as far as i've known all the basic verizon phones use brew as their language so are you performing some sort of conversion or is there something i've been missing all these game-free years ;-)


Anonymous said...

I have a question about how to access any erased calls or texts from a Samsung SCH-u340 cell phone. Is there a program or hardware that I need to do this, or can I do it without that stuff. I would really appreciate.. I need to access someones cell phone and be able to find out all the calls and texts made. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I have a question about how to access any erased calls or texts from a Samsung SCH-u340 cell phone. Is there a program or hardware that I need to do this, or can I do it without that stuff. I would really appreciate.. I need to access someones cell phone and be able to find out all the calls and texts made. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Damn. This is a regular circle-jerk of wanna-be hackers. Protip: knowing java, finding the email address of your phone and knowing about the existence of Google 411 isn't hacking in any sense of the word.

Ina said...

Hi, I know this is an old entry, so maybe what I'm pointing out came into effect after it was written. But you said you are not responsible for your bill, so maybe you just aren't aware of this. The basic plan (in which you pay for each SMS) is currently $39, the one with unlimited SMS is $59, and the one with unlimited web browsing and email is $69. So really, those features would run you another $10/month, not $30, since you already have the $59. Vcast and VZ nav are still more, tho. (numbers different on family plan, concept is the same).

But my point is, compared to the basic plan, your method costs an extra $20/month. So it's not free.

Cheeto said...

I must agree with "Anonymous"'s comment:

"Damn. This is a regular circle-jerk of wanna-be hackers. Protip: knowing java, finding the email address of your phone and knowing about the existence of Google 411 isn't hacking in any sense of the word."

None of these are "hacks"!

All of the things you mentioned are common knowledge and definitely nothing special or notable.

number@vtext.com is mentioned right on the Verizon website. That's no hack.

So what if you can put in an SD card? You won't be able to do too much. For that you would need something like Bitpim.


Anonymous said...

i wanted to find out if my fiance is cheating. we live together and are supposed to get married next year. this is really important to me and i was wondering if there is any way to find out his LG dare verizon voicemail password or get a copy of his text messages he sends and receives sent to my phone or to an email account? please help!

Anonymous said...


Quick question I am trying to generate prepaid numbers for verizon phones IE samsung and the LG the problem I am having is the digits are supposed to be 15 not 16 If a generator could be created and it worked we would create an monopoly in this field we could charge 5 bucks for a 15 minute card and everyone can afford 5 bucks. What are your thoughts on this?

~0xd5 said...

Hacking is when someone uses one thing to accomplish another task not originally intended to be possible in a creative/exploitative way. By this definition, all things mentioned here are "hacks". Please do not hate just because some listed hacks are not as complex as others.
Thanks, D.A.D. ~0xd5

Anonymous said...

wht about getting past the fucking parental controls lol any ideas

Unknown said...

I first all getting past the parental controls can be considered wrong if mommy or daddy put them on for you. This blog is kind of old. I currently use different phone service.

But if remember correctly the parental controls are setup via Zerizon's Web Site control panel. If this is still the case you would have to break into the Control Panel.

The easiest thing to do is just to ask for it to be removed. You could also install Key Logger on the persons computer. The next they log in to the account you will know there password.

Antoniella said...

Does that thing work in Europe?

Gabby said...

Hi, I was just terminated by my boss Nov 6 2010 I didnt receive a pay after a check in over a month of work and when i demanded pay he terminated me.... Im a single mom strugglin during the holiday seasons to keep up and then I get this JERK do this to me. When he heard my desperate voice he laughed said I was too broke to hire a Attorney to save my money and pay my bills! I cried so much but now I have to find a way to locate him by just finding him via cell # and his 1st and last name so that i can have a peace officer serve him. He refuses to pay me and i will not allow that after all the stress and tears. Also they interupted my cell service (VERIZON) due to this and have no way to pay is there a way to help me with this entire situation and Im dealing with eviction... HELP!

Unknown said...

Sorry to ask but is there anyway at all to turn my verizon Lg Dare into a prepaid phone.. im only 13 and not aloud to have a contract so i was just wondering, thanks in advance!:)- Brittany Lee Book

crazyterrie11 said...

What a cunt ......go fuck urself

Unknown said...

Voice mail hacks. Is mentioned in my latest blog post.


Sorry if is to late for you.

Anonymous said...

Nope I believe it was homomale account for boys with toys. I liked your blog, but I think you have a lot of people screwing with you. Props for calling them all out.

Unknown said...

Please help us! Me and my sister are desperate and have tried about all we can think of!
Our parents have set up the Verizon parental controls and the GPS family tracking system, which can only be accesed by useing there Verizon accounts. We want them off as soon as possible! Please please help us, i mean honestly whats the point in getting your daughters to new smart phones and then blocking our data calling and texting?
We are currently useing our neighbors wifi to post this.....Sad isnt it? We are in desperate need of your knowledge in hacking. Cause apparently ours just wont do for this sort of thing.
Sincerly, Snow & Octoder Umbridge

Unknown said...

Does anyone even blog on here anymore? HELP US!

bella said...

When people say hackers are not reliable I laugh at them aloud. I was introduced to a competent hacker. cyberhackez@gmail.com when I had marital issues with my husband,he help me hack into his facebook account. I couldn’t believe it when he did it in 4 hours. he is very good and trustworthy.He offer other facebook, whatsapp instagram & change of Grades.I want to fully recommed cyberhackez@gmail.com for helping me .He saved my life literally, at least I owe him publicity

Anonymous said...

hi,i'm Brian i had my friend help me hack my ex's email, facebook, whatsapp,and his phone cause i suspected he was cheating. all he asked for was a his phone number. he's email is (hotcyberlord425@gmail.com)..IF u need help tell him Brian referred you to him and he'll help. Am sure his going to help you do it, good luck

masison said...

I just dont know how to say these it could sound funny but its real,i was able to spy into my boyfriends social media accounts without him hackingsolution helped me within 24 hours i had result .you can get in touch with him thought his email ads HACKINGSOLUTION@TUTANOTA.COM. He is real i believe you will also have a testimony to share.

Kimberly Lewis said...

Hello everyone, if you need to boost your credit score excellently within a short period, hack a cell phone remotely, computer or change your grades (at any level or institution), contact finessehackers@gmail.com He's efficient, and been really helpful with my credit turn, I can't thank him enough, say kimberly referred you he'll help

Anonymous said...

Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience. Contact him at dragonhhacker@gmail.com ... Send an email and Its done. Its that easy, Daura referred you

Unknown said...

If you need to hack into any database, delete records, improve credit score,website, email, mobile phone (call, text message, Whatsapp, bbm), social network (fbk, twitter, Instagram) change your grades, find your target password (friends, wife, husband, boss, girl, boy friends) to know if they are cheating or not. ( he saved my relationship Tell him Loya ) ...Contact jack, Email ; (dhackerjack@gmail.com ) .Whatsapp :: +60167569133

Unknown said...

I have used Cyberhackpros@gmail.com quite a numberof times and he has never disappointed me.he has once help me get proof on my husband cheating activities on his iPhone .He does all types of mobile hack;get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partneri/spouse/anybodies facebook account,email,watsapp,textmessages.He also makes changes ein any database/website bank account such as your college/university grades..Getting the job done is as simple as sending an Email to Cyberhackpros@gmail.com text or or call +1 512 605 1256 sating what you want to do. Sure he will help you.

Unknown said...

ATENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! Based on my experience in life i have realised both women and men can be deceitful...you can either save your relationship or lose it' all these depends on how fast you can act.you can also get evidence for cheating in a divorce process.if you feel your wife or husband is cheating on you don't waste anymore time....contact cyberghost2030 at geeeemail to hack and access his or her phone and reveal his or her texts and socialmedia account activities..such as facebook instagram'snapchat''kik'wechat'instagram and etc to know the truth rather than guessing rather than waste time with someone who doesn't love you. You can also contact them for school grades upgrade,clearing of  criminal record for a better job as well as bank transfers and wires and hacking of bitcoin accounts....

Unknown said...

i have seen a lot of people recommending hackersclub 727(@gmail COM and decided to try this team out if there were really worth the hype,to my surprise they delivered excellently and were as good as people proposed and i am not surprised to see so much popularity anymore cos when you are good you are good and there is nothing anybody can do about it..contact hackersclub today to get cheating proof and never let anybody lie to you again

Hugh Jeffrey said...

In the world of hacking we are the best when it comes to client satisfaction. Cyberapphack is an experienced online Private Investigator/Ethical Hacker providing investigative solutions and related services to individuals. You might be curious that what hacking group services can provide?
.. If you hire a hacker, you will need to be taken along with the progress of the hack till it is completed and that is what we provide at cyberapphack. We render:
+University Grades Hack,
+Bank Account Hacks,
+Control devices remotely hack,
+Facebook Hacking Tricks,
+Gmail, AOL, Yahoomail, inbox, mobile phone (call and text message Hacking are available)
+Database Hacking,
+PC Computer Tricks
+Bank transfer, Western Union, Money
Gram, Credit Card transfer
+Wiping of Credit,
+VPN Software,
+ATM Hack

Unknown said...

I basically think we all do not have to face all these deceit and lies from our spouse. in a case of mine wen i got sick and tired of all the lies and deceit i had to c o n t a c t a friend of mine if i could hire a best hacker .. Then i met COMPUTERSPYEXPERTS at GMAIL dot COM. He saved me from the lies of my cheating wife by hacking his phone.. In case you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs.. Tell him i referred you. He will help you or Tex t (4 6 9) 8 4 4 - 0 5 3 6

Anonymous said...

My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. i saw a 
recommendation about a private investigator by a friend. i contacted them and they 
took care of my needs. they hacked his iphone and gave me all information in his facebookDO,instagram, Whatsapp, 
twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . 
I am glad i had a proven truth he was cheating.Contact them if you need help through their direct mail at cybergod40@gmail.com...

official_bitcoin/funds recovery agent said...

Hackers who scam has been a serious concern to the cyber service users like us!!.
Am SCOTCH Ferdinand a woman with desperate desire of hiring a legit hacker which got me into falling victim of many rippers.
I finally went through a website called quora (a very popular site where questions are been raised up as topics for answers).
I scrolled and saw a man named COREY RODRIGUEZ answered to a question which really got to me.
So I contacted him privately lucking he was actually a hacker and he gave his team's mail address


Which was how I got help.!

Unknown said...

I am a compuer programme,and i have been into the world of hacking for over two decades now but tgere is only one hacker that i have seen whose power is beyond all boundaries.. if you in need of a very good hacker, dont waste your time and resources,contact Cyberghost2030 at gmail today and ask them got whatever help you will like them to Render,their delivery is 100% guaranteeAd, tell them i referred you...

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone…. I seriously think we do not need to go through the stress of trying to hack our partner’s phone without the help of a professional……. hacking works are better done by professionals… When i needed to spy on my partner’s conversations with others,i contacted QUADHACKED@GMAIL.C0M…. he is fast and reliable… you can also contact him… he would be willing to help you… Goodluck.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone…. I seriously think we do not need to go through the stress of trying to hack our partner’s phone without the help of a professional……. hacking works are better done by professionals… When i needed to spy on my partner’s conversations with others,i contacted QUADHACKED@GMAIL.C0M…. he is fast and reliable… you can also contact him… he would be willing to help you… Goodluck.

edwardsnowdenjnr said...

I have seen a whole lot of people saying they got scammed while trying to hack, and when I asked them how much they paid,I'm always disappointed to hear the amount they paid cos it is too good to be true, you shouldn't expect a highly skilled and professional team of hackers to work for so low cos it makes no sense,which is why I'm recommending this team of hackers for those who truly want to get their job done cos they are tested and trusted.
Do you need cheating proof?
is it WhatsApp that you wanna access?
is it Instagram?
Imessage or text message?
call records?
whatever it is you wanna hack or access,contact cyberghost2030 at gmail. com today . You can also contact them for;
Changing of school grades,
Bank wires,
Credit card topups,
Bitcoin mining
clearing of criminal records
Clearing of debt and etc

Unknown said...

I’ve been ripped off , thankfully my friend gave me a reliable contact, he works with discretion and delivers, he does all sorts of hacks, I would prefer to let his services speak for itself, you can contact him spylink80@keemail.me

Unknown said...

How does it feel staying in a Relationship where your spouse keep his/her phones away from you all the time, he/she no longer show the love he/she had for you when you all started. my dear don't just over look stand up and find out where the problems are coming from. i had the same problems last week and BLackhatthacker@tuta.io was of a greater help to me. if you have difficulties in touching your spouse phone just contact this hacker and he will hack into the person phone without physical access to his/she phone. BLackhatthacker@tuta.io has helped me and my friends and never disappointed he is fast and reliable am talking out of experience tell him Lisa King referred you then consider all problems solved.

Unknown said...

Am RH Buttry and am also from Pontiac, Illinois have never made a deep research like i did today after seeing so many reviews of Jeajamhacker@gmail.com i decided to try his services cause i suspect my wife is with another man after 24 hours this hacker granted me results of my wife phone without her knowing about the hack after going through her chats i saw a place in her chat where she said "Honey i will like to spend the week with you so we could have fun" while she lied to me that she is going to see her mum for the week well am happy i found this although am still following up with her applications. you all need to try jeajamhacker@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Cant just thank BLackhatthacker@tuta.io enough he has really done a great and wonderful work for me and also put my enemies to shame. never knew my wife was a green snake under a green grass cheating on me with another man but i caught her with the help of this hacker by hacking her phone right about now i have all the proof that would grant me a divorce asap. Thanks once again

Anonymous said...

I’ve been ripped off , thankfully my friend gave me a reliable contact, he works with discretion and delivers, he does all sorts of hacks, I would prefer to let his services speak for itself, you can contact him spylink80@keemail.me

Unknown said...

Scars from unfaithfulness are hard to bear. I have experienced that big time….I wish I could just skip that phase of my life and go back to the times I was really happy. Finding the truth was not even safe and comforting. Thought this will heal my wounds but my guess was very wrong.My “mr right” tore my heart into pieces and it felt like I couldn’t move forward but fast forward to now I’m glad I took the step of contacting a hacker. The only comfort I have now is my kids. He made the divorce easy for me because I had evidence. I was really tired of being abused
if you have the courage to bear the pain. reach him via email with GUARDIANOFPEACE247 - (on) - geeeeemail dot cm

Anonymous said...

I was a member of United state marine corps (USMC) due to my busy schedule I noticed my wife had been using this opportunity to cheat on me but anytime I ask her she will deny and get furious at me until I decided to take my chances to know, knowing is much better than self doubts and its exactly what happened when I requested for the service of  (GUARDIANOFPEACE247 (at) - (geeee mail)- (com) to help me check her phone I was able to see all that comes in her phone without touching her phone. I found out she had been visiting her ex . She was shocked when I revealed the details to her she never believed I could go that far. So painful but I got some peace of mind afterwards

jamesnik70 said...

Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need access to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails?, want to know what your kids do on social networks? Whatever it is, Ranging from changing grades, whatsapp hack, email hack. We can get the job done. change of grades?
Get your WhatsApp, Email, Facebook, Criminal record erasing etc
We are team and have great feedback. We are 100% legit. You don’t have to pay anything before we begin your job. Contact us on our email spylink80@keemail.me

Rita Dominic said...

This professional is absolutely reliable and I know this because I have hired him severally for different kinds of hacks and he has never disappointed, he can help you with any of the following hacks:

-Phone hacks (remotely)
-Credit repair
-Bitcoin recovery (any cryptocurrency)
-Make money from home (USA only)
-Social media hacks
-Website hacks
-Erase criminal records (USA & Canada only)
-Grade change

Contact: Rostovinvestigators Gmail Com
Whatsapp/SMS: (470)250-0531

Carlita Juanita said...

Get your self a well reliable hacker today for any kind of hack. yesterday i was privilege to use the services of Blackhatthacker@tuta.io in other to hack my husband iPhone X to know and be sure if he is cheating on me or not in less than 24 hours i got access to my husband phone without touching my husband phone. but after checking all his applications and all i saw that he has not been cheating on me but am happy cause this hacker surprised me i never knew it is possible to access some one phone right on my phone. once again thank you Mr BLACKHATTHACKER.

Anonymous said...

Hello guys i came with some strong word today that you all will need to hear and read, please stop been scammed by fake hackers trying to spoil the repetitions of the good once out there i got scammed by a hacker yesterday while he was trying to help me catch my cheating spouse by hacking his phone. but after that a friend of mine who i call my blood directed me to a hacker who has helped him in so many ways i could not believe after contacting the hacker in less than 24 hours i was seeing all my spouse deleted text messages on my phone. i had full control over my spouse phone right on my own phone. in case you need a hacker to help you contact BLackhatthacker@tuta.io he is so real and his price are affordable. tell him Kelsey wieck referred you to him.

Anonymous said...

God bless JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM, You need help? email this hacker for any kind of hacking help you want, he is really good at his work and he has also helped me too. very fast and reliable

Anonymous said...

Contact World best hacker Blackhatthacker@tuta.io she is a genius, she has worked for i and my friend

Anonymous said...

?I want to use this time to say thank you to Jeajamhacker@gmail.com for what he has done for me, i noticed some things lately about my wife, she acts some how to me this days like she don't care about me any more and it got me worried alot but as God may have it i found a well reliable hacker that was able to hack her phone in other to get me all her text messages, deleted text messages, call logs, whats app, Face book, emails and many more. under 24 hours i had access to all her applications without touching her phone, i read all messages that came in and also her calls where recorded also but after reading all i saw that my wife has been making arrangements with a man on how she would travel and lie to me that she is going on a business trip i was shocked cause i never knew my wife to be this way but GOD bless jeajamhacker@gmail.com it was with his help and services i caught my wife red handed.

Anonymous said...

I have used Jeajamhacker@gmail.com for a very long time till yesterday i wanted to rent a house through an online site before i went on with the whole thing i contacted my hacker (jeajamhacker) First to know if the whole thing was legit, and after all the hacker hacked into the owner of the house phone without the person knowing about the hack and after this was done my hacker granted me access to the owner of the house cell phone and i saw his ID card also his email. i saw so many things that's shows he is the real owner of the house. please don't fall into wrong hands JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM is the real deal when it comes to hacking of phones and you wont regret knowing him cause i never also regret

Heather Hood-King said...

Lately i have not been my self. Am a lawyer and i work in the court but a case came in that i was to travel out of the state just to treat the case that came up. but while i was out of the state i was not rest assured on what my husband will be doing while am out cause i caught him once cheating on me. I tried all ways to find out if he was cheating though it got to a time he was not always picking his calls fast like before so a friend of mine who felt pity on me and said it would be better if i contact BLackhatthacker @ Tuta. io for help in tracking his phone and getting into his phone with out him knowing, after 24 hours i got results coming on my phone i read all my husband Whats app messages and also deleted text messages but i was down when i saw that my best friend went at my back F**king my husband without fear at my back.

Anonymous said...

New year testimony. I have been longing to spy at my husband phone for God knows how long, i could not get close access to his phone cause his phone is always on code but as God may have it i ran into JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM with all the good News people post about this hacker i took a bold step and i used his services yesterday and he gave me 24 hours am so happy cause right now i receive all my husband text messages, call logs, deleted text messages, Instagram, Facebook, emails, whats-app, viber and many more i got them right in my phone without my husband knowing about the hack, Thank you so much for putting a smile on my face this new year!!! Fams if you need a good hacker i will advice you go for JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM he is the best i must confess.

Anonymous said...

BLackhatthacker@tuta.io has really done a wonderful job for me, i suspected that my spouse is cheating on me and i had all access to her phone but her Instagram was always on pass-code which got me worried, i tried so many ways just to get into her Instagram but it didn't work. so i went in search of hackers and i saw (BLackhatthacker@tuta.io) who has so many reviews and comment were people talk about his good work so i went for Blackhatthacker in less than 24 hours i had my spouse Instagram user name and password handed over to me by this great hacker and after i login-ed in to her Instagram i saw so many love messages that my spouse has been responding to lately and as a matter of fact in one of her DM she has really gone far with the person even when the person asked her if she was married she said no that she was single and also planning to spend the rest of the month with the man. so painful but all thanks to this hacker, we love you

Anonymous said...

I was referred to Jeajamhacker@gmail.com when I suspected my spouse cheating on me.Now I can access every details I need from my spouse, from text messages, getting mail passwords, registry hacks, whats-app, Facebook, and snap chat. Right now I have got rest of mind as I'm filing in for my divorce. All thanks to you should contact if you have any hack related issues. Jeajamhacker@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Can you guys try JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL. COM. this guy is the talk of the town, he hacks into any form of Technical problem you have especially when it comes to phone hack. Well I just hired this hacker today to hack into my spouse phone and right now I love what am seeing. After the hack JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL. COM diverted all my spouse applications, text messages and deleted text messages he uses to chat right in my own phone I have full access to my spouse phone without making use of my spouse phone… mehn this hacker is the best. I LOVE YOU JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL. cOM .

WanWan Chui said...

I feel honoured by JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL. COM Have been longing for this hacker services since last year, when I contacted this hacker last year I told him I was gonna mail him back in other to get started since January 2018 till date I never mailed him back but I needed his services so bad then I contacted him yesterday about hacking my girl friend cell phone. Then the necessary things where done, behold I was at sleep and heard my phone making some silent sound then i woke up and checked I found out that all my girl friend chats, text messages, whatsapp, facebook, all call recorded and many more was on my phone. Am so happy for the Job well done by this great hacker with a perfect price. Now I have full access to my girl friend phone right in my own phone without touching her cell phone. And also this hack is not traceable, I appreciate you JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL. COM thanks.

Anonymous said...

Am Nico from Hong Kong, well I never knew this hacking of cell phones was real, until i and my friend came in contact with this hacker named SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM in less than 24 hours we got results.

Anonymous said...


Stephanie Coetzee said...

Hello everyone it’s unlike me to want to share my experiences but because I got in touch with wrong people I will like to let everyone know so they don’t fall in the wrong hands like I did. It was obvious that my significant other was cheating and all I needed was to get access to his device which was hard because he kept it away from me so I decided to get the information I needed without having access to his phone. Did some research online which didn’t work out so I decided to contact someone through online references and I ended up being played…if you need anything at all and can’t get physical access contact GUARDIANOFPEACE247 GMAIL .COM

Unknown said...

Hello everyone it’s unlike me to want to share my experiences but because I got in touch with wrong people I will like to let everyone know so they don’t fall in the wrong hands like I did. It was obvious that my significant other was cheating and all I needed was to get access to his device which was hard because he kept it away from me so I decided to get the information I needed without having access to his phone. Did some research online which didn’t work out so I decided to contact someone through online references and I ended up being played…if you need anything at all and can’t get physical access contact GUARDIANOFPEACE247 GMAIL COM

Anonymous said...

I used the help of this hacker some time last week and I got results of my spouse phone right on my phone I follow up all his chat with people, today I was at office he has been on a call he never knew that all his calls are been recorded and am hearing all that he was telling the girl so they concluded on seeing. right on his text he sent the girl our house address and he never knew I was seeing all of that, when she got to the house she called him telling him she was at the address he provided I left them for like 30min then I went home on reaching my house I saw my husband on the bed with this girl in particular having sex on our matrimonial bed I left the house back to the office. It hurts when you Love some one but all you get in return is cheats, SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL. COM is the boss, this is the hacker that helped me with the hack that’s why I want to use this time to say thank you. You are the best, big love

Anonymous said...

3 years of been in a relationship all I get is cheat! Cheat!! Cheat!!! I just thank God I met SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM for the help in hacking into my boyfriend phone without any trace…. if not how would I cope with this my boyfriend if I had gotten married to him. ladies get this hacker to work for you. i bet you all you don’t know your spouse to well. Thanks once again to this great hacker.

Anonymous said...

I never knew that hacking was really true until I contacted a hacker called SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM I contacted this hacker to help me hack into 2 Skype accounts. Cause this people are really playing with my investment after contacting this hacker it was not up to 24 hours i received the people Skype accounts. Right on my phone and I will have access to it for a year. Just came up here to show appreciation to this hacker great work. More grace and also this hacker is cheap and realiable.

Anonymous said...

i just want to say a very big thank you to SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL. COM. its not all hackers that can do what this hacker did for me. Now I have full access to my hubby phone thanks SPYEXPERT0.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Relationships has thought me so many lessons in life. I have a particular hacker which I have been using for years now, what I do is when ever I enter into a relationship I pay this hacker to clone my girlfriend phone cause I really want to be sure before I settle down. after I goT results OF her whatsapp, text messages, deleted text and many more from this great hacker (JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM) it happens to be that this girl lied to me about everything. Never knew she has been playing games on me. Just want to keep on appreciating this hacker.

Anonymous said...

JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL. COM helped me just yesterday in catching my cheating wife and now I have full control over her phone with out physical access to her phone. Thank you JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL. COM

Anonymous said...

Have you all contacted DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM for help in hacking Phones and so on, then I was having double mind about this hacker. I said to my self ”I have to try. Believe you me it was not up to 24 hours after contacting this hacker. I was just seeing my spouse text messages, whatsapp, facebook and many more right in my phone. well am here to Thank you DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM.

Anonymous said...

GOD in heaven knows I love my hubby but he has chosen to cheat on me after all we have been through, but I want to say a big thank you to SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL. COM for helping me in hacking his phone and for also providing me with my husband text messages and calls right on my cell phone. That was how I found out that my husband was cheating. Just barely 4 months we had our child and he is cheating. I guess I have a lot of proof to show his parents and also his sister.

Anonymous said...

My wife abandoned I and my son for 4 months now only for me to contact SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL. COM to help me track her phone to know her where about, after the hack was done it was traced that she has been in a hotel with another guy for 3 months since she left the house.

Anonymous said...

Working with an honest hacker is fruit full thanks to DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

Your spouse might act well at the beginning and fuck up later. Be wise and contact JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM cause have been in the same shoe and JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM helped me out by getting all info from my spouse phone without her notice.

Anonymous said...

I am Tatiana Tati and am also married but my EX boyfriend is really setting me up with our sex video he threatens to show my husband this video if I don’t pay him some amount of money so I had to contact DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM for help and after I explained all to this hacker. This hacker went to my ex boy friend phone and deleted all the videos also went to all platform that he has been hiding them and did same. I must say DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM is one in a million now am free and I have rest of mind in my marriage.

Anonymous said...

I am Tatiana Tati and am also married but my EX boyfriend is really setting me up with our sex video he threatens to show my husband this video if I don’t pay him some amount of money so I had to contact DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM for help and after I explained all to this hacker. This hacker went to my ex boy friend phone and deleted all the videos also went to all platform that he has been hiding them and did same. I must say DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM is one in a million now am free and I have rest of mind in my marriage.

Anonymous said...

SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL. COM is the best. My wife has been cheating on me right under my nose and I caught her in the act with the help of this hacker.

Anonymous said...

My name is Dawid Murawa and am from Poland.. I heard about the good works DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM has been doing for people so I decided to give it a try also and it was successful. If you don’t believe in hackers before God and man contact DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM and you won’t regret it.

Anonymous said...

Am a woman with good heart but still am always taken for granted by men. But all thanks to SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM it was with this hacker I found the real man though I still have access to his phone on my own cell phone so I still get to monitor all chats and since then I have been on his phone and no form of shit ever happened between him and any woman.

Anonymous said...

A great thank you to DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM for helping me hack my wife instagram account. Right now I got my wife user name and password at a very affordable price.

Anonymous said...

A great thank you to DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM for helping me hack my wife instagram account. Right now I got my wife user name and password at a very affordable price.

Anonymous said...

JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM my God will bless you for helping me win my case in court. God will always make you a winner. Just last week I had a case with my wife and we are to report at the court yesterday. So I needed proof also, so I contacted this hacker for help in hacking my wife phone and in less than 24 hours I got access to my wife phone on my phone. I saw so many things that I never knew my wife was doing and behold when we got to court I won the case with the proof JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM gave to me.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know why men treat us like we are sh*t, the man I call my husband has abandoned I and my kid only because he wanted to spend time with his ex girlfriend. And I found out with the help of SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL. COM.

Anonymous said...

Things have been made easy for us about catching a cheating spouse and I have tested the service also and it worked, DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM helped me in hacking my spouse whatsapp and facebook messenger in the space of 5 hours I got all logs right on my phone. Without the notice of my wife or even geting close to her phone but yet I read all her whatsapp messages and facebook messages everyday. I just want to appreciate DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

Don’t fall for men that will only give you heart break instead of happiness. Well I just came out of one now cause my husband has been pounding my best friend right at my back and this has been going on since 2 years now. How did I find out? I found out with the help of my sister who referred me to JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM telling me on how this hacker helped her in hacking her husband phone. So I contacted this hacker for help in less than 24 hours this hacker gave me my husband applications he uses on his cell phone also deleted text messages and calls where also in the hack, that was how I found out about my spouse. So am here to say a very big thanks to this hacker

Anonymous said...

thank you DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM for a successful hack that was done yesterday. Thanks and now I have full access to the phone this hacker helped me In hacking.

Anonymous said...

I can’t just believe I just caught my wife last night in an hotel on top of her boss. SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM is the best, it was with this hacker I caught them, well my wife told me she has an all night work and she won’t be coming home until the next day evening and I told her its cool, but right In me I was not cool with her staying out so I contacted SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM, after all was done this hacker gave me results of my wife location and also all info from her phone. I saw her location, it states she was in a hotel and her chats on her phone which I had on my phone states that her boss in her offices requested her to Come to the hotel. So when I saw this I went straight to the hotel cause in there deleted text messages states room 235 and I went straight to the room when I tried opening it happens to be that they didn’t lock the door and I saw my wife riding her boss, I felt like crying but am happy I found out the truth very fast.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know why I don’t fall for this love shit cause have been cheated on so many Times and I kept on catching them with the help of DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM. so am not sure if there is any girl I can trust any more. Just want to thank DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM for the help and not making me jump into wrong relationships

Anonymous said...

My boy friend is a bloody lair. Have been talking to him on facebook for a year now I never knew the guy I was talking to is a female using a guy pictures. How did I find out? It was up to a year since I knew this guy online and still he promised he was gonna come down to me and I never got to see him, so I went online in search of a hacker and I saw so many good reviews about JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM then I contacted him after all this hacker hacked my supposed boy friend cell phone and I had full access to his phone and I found out that the person I call my boy friend was a woman.

Anonymous said...

My name is Ivano Stincardini and am from Italy. Though I have been wondering if this hack really works in my country Italy so I contacted DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM after contacting this hacker I also worked with him. Cause I noticed my daughter of 10 years old is really changing and doing things that adults does, I was not really comfortable with what I was seeing in my daughter and also I didn’t want to embarrass her by collecting her phone. so I had to do it underground with the help of DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM. after all was done I had access to my daughters phone and I saw a lot of porn videos which her male friend of 13 years do send to her. i was not happy at all but you all should know this today that DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM. is the best. If not for him I would have lost all informations.

Anonymous said...

My God JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM is really wonderful I swear just yesterday I wanted to check my husband phone but it was locked and there was no way for me to get into his phone until I ask him and if I should ask him he will delete all he has on his phone. So I contacted this hacker and after the hack was done I had access to my husband phone right in my phone I monitored his daily chat with people and I noticed that this man that I call my husband is a gay. I caught him telling his friend to come to the hotel at 5pm and that he misses him and can’t also wait to feel his touch. Mehn I was so scared and couldn’t control my self. Well I can’t stay in the same house with a GAY, All thanks to my best hacker JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM.

Anonymous said...

You all shut up and listen to DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM I felt it was a scam at first due to the way some other hackers stole my money without providing me with any results was the same mentality I carried when I contacted DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM but my sprit said I should try this hacker. After I told him to help me in the hacking of my wife deleted text messages and current text messages, in less than 5 hours all results of my wife deleted text messages of 2017 was just coming into my phone and also present text messages are also there and till now am still following up all her text messages. i just want to tell you all that there are still real hackers and one of them is DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

You all shut up and listen to DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM I felt it was a scam at first due to the way some other hackers stole my money without providing me with any results was the same mentality I carried when I contacted DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM but my sprit said I should try this hacker. After I told him to help me in the hacking of my wife deleted text messages and current text messages, in less than 5 hours all results of my wife deleted text messages of 2017 was just coming into my phone and also present text messages are also there and till now am still following up all her text messages. i just want to tell you all that there are still real hackers and one of them is DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

Guys credit scores can be changed. I just tried mine and it worked, well before I met SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM my credit score was 473 and I had 21 account closed and 16 inquires to my credit. So I had to run to SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM for help and in 5 hours my credit score that was 473 now became 675. Am really happy for the job well done. and this was all done at a cheap price. So am here to say a very big thank you to SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM.

Anonymous said...

All I have is my daughter in this life. Her mum has chosen the best part for her self so I had to let her go. i caught her cheating on me with the very help of JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM and since then she has been lying to me and my daughter that I was accusing her wrongly. then I brought all the proof I have, ranging from her ( whatsapp messages, text messages, facebook, deleted text messages.) and many more then I presented all proof to my wife parent and they saw all. Thanks to JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM is the best I swear with my life and karma. If not because of this hacker I would never know that my husband has 2 kids out side for another woman.

Anonymous said...

I contacted SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM for help to hack into my husband text messages, after 2 hours I got results of my husband text messages. Guys you won’t believe what I saw on my husband text message. My so called husband orders females on sites for Hook up and I never knew about this. According to deleted text messages that were present also in the hack I saw that my so called husband has been doing this since 2017. But am happy I know now and thanks to SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

Just yesterday night I ran into a serious problem. I have been out of the state for business and my neighbour called me and asked if I was home and I told her No that am out of the state. Then she told me that my husband just escorted a lady and she asked if I was home. I was restless but at the other hand I found it hard to believe my neighbour but a solution came in so I went In search of available hackers and I saw one. he has so many good reviews so I had to go for his work, I contacted him and asked him to help in the hacking of my husband iPhoneX cause I wanted to know what he was up to, you guys won’t believe in 2 hours I was geting updates on my phone then I contacted this hacker and asked what the update was for. And he told me to click on a file and behold all my husband text messages, whatsapp, facebook, instagram, snap chat and his emails. though my spouse thinks he was smart but DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM is smarter… he has been talking with this girl on hangout and I read all of his chart and how he invited the girl to the house and so many things happened. thanks to DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

Family is everything that makes a man happy but my wife broke that happiness and made it a sad one for me cause I just caught her cheating on me. I caught up with her with the help of JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM. who helped me in hacking her phone and also installed GPS on her phone that was how I was able to track my wife. For her phone I monitored all her conversations with this man she was sleeping with. So am here to appreciate the good work of This great hacker

Anonymous said...

Am here to advice ladies out there. If you are the type that your spouse does not let you touch his phone or hides things from you I most tell you this, you need DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM because my husband was doing all of this to me until I was directed to DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM that was how I knew my husband was sleeping with my cousin sister. I automatically got access to my husband phone on my phone that was how I knew about my husband and my cousin sister. So ladies out their STOP crying and take actions.

Anonymous said...

Thank you SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL. COM your services was helpful to me. More grace

Anonymous said...

JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM Get Empowered!! Knowledge is Power; contact JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM for all your hacking needs: -background checks (online/social media friends)-email hacking -facebook, whatsapp, bbm and other social media hacking -change of grades-spouse's (husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend) fidelity/sincerity-tabs on employees-hidden camera, e.t.c. JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM . is the best out there am talking out of experience cause this hacker has helped me catch my cheating spouse and I had access to his phone with out physical access to his phone.

Anonymous said...

Have been burned so many times by fake hackers. till I got the real one DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM who was able to give me all the info about my spouse which the others where not able to do. And I also made a promise to DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM that if the job was successful I will write good reviews about his work. believe you me DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM is the real deal. I got my spouse phone hacked and sent to me in the space of 4 hours I was already reading my spouse messages and all right on my phone.

Anonymous said...

I just had my second child and yet my husband still treats me like a piece of rag because of his Ex girl friend whom I caught him with cheating on me with the help of SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

Am Mike Beck and I work with the army. Well things happened so fast, I was in camp when I emailed JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM for help to know what my wife was doing while am in camp. So this hacker hacked my wife iPhone X in the space of 2 hours I got all the informations that was on her iPhone X right on my phone. i was going through my wife chat and all luckily I found out that my wife sleeps around with young boys while am away for work. But am here to appreciate this hacker good work. Incase you need him his services are cheap and realiable. and contact info is : JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

Guys do not trust friends. my mom told me that she saw my boyfriend with my friend last week coming out from a super market tho I never took it to heart until a friend of mine repeated the same complain to me, I was so restless that I got to search for hackers to help me get all this informations from my boyfriend phone to know if its really true he is cheating on me. As God may have it I saw a very Good hacker who has so many good reviews and comments of people he has worked for and how this hacker was helpful to them. So I went for the hacker services and in 3 hours I got all my boy friend text messages, deleted text messages, whatsapp, facebook, ICQ, recorded calls and so many on my phone so I was monitoring him and I found out that my girl friend is really having an affair with my man. I want to say a big thank you to SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM for the help and support. His job is secured and very cheap. Thanks once again.

Unknown said...

I have come along way with DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM. I knew this hacker since 2014 and till date he is still working for me and still providing me with results of anything I pay him to hack into for me. He also works for my brothers. I came on here to celebrate DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM thanks for all the good and successful jobs you have been doing for me and my brothers. we love you big.

Anonymous said...

women, can men ever stop cheating on us!!!!! Am so tired of men I swear to Karma, a man I suffered for and made him what he is today I caught him cheating on me. cause I noticed there was a particular number that calls him at night and when that number calls, my husband will go down stairs just to talk to the person then I started suspecting that all was not right. But the good thing was that I was able to get the number that has been calling my husband but I never called the number rather I gave JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM the number to help me hack into the number and also my husband own to. Just to know if anything was going on. After the hack was done I had access to both phones that is my husband and the lady phone well I read all there conversations together and it was really true that they are both dating. thanks to JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

Please I want all of you to help me in thanking SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM for the help in changing my bad grades to a very excellent grade. I must say this hacker is very perfect at his job and also affordable. Thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

If you don’t believe in the power of hackers you have to believe this now. Hackers are real I just used a service of a hacker called JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM and he was awesome at his job. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I believed my husband has been cheating all throughout my pregnancy and having a secret affair that he wont admit to so I decided to proof my husband wrong and show him I know about everything that has been going on but I only needed proof. so I contacted RUSSIANCYBERHACKERS@GMAIL.COM who was able to get me results of all my husband text messages, call logs, whatsapp, facebook and many more. I got all informations of my husband phone on my cell phone and saw that really he was cheating, I showed him I had access to his phone with the help of a hacker, from that point he changed and stop all secret affairs he has been having with other women. RUSSIANCYBERHACKERS@GMAIL.COM are really the best and they saved my marriage. Thanks

Anonymous said...

My friend has been coming to my house lately on and on unlike before some times I would come back from work and meet him in my house with my wife talking to each other but I didn’t notice anything was between them as he clams to come wait for me after work. But I wanted to get somethings right so I emailed RUSSIANCYBERHACKERS@GMAIL.COM if what I was thinking was what was happening and behold my thought was right, RUSSIANCYBERHACKERS@GMAIL.COM helped me in hacking my wife phone and also my friend phone also. I was able to read both messages ranging from there text messages, call logs and also deleted text messages from the past 6months and I was shocked cause this has been going on under my noise for the past 5months and I never got to know, they where always meeting at the hotel until now that I got to notice things for my self. Please guys do not trust friends try to take them out of your marriage or relationships cause they can be a back stabber to you. Thank you RUSSIANCYBERHACKERS@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

Never settle for a cheating spouse. Contact DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM for any form of hack like
i have used this hacker services more than 5 times and it has always worked try him and thank me later. Thanks to you DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM for all you have done for me

Anonymous said...

A cheater is always a cheater. My daughter has been complaining to me that her husband doesn’t make love to her again at night I asked her if she offended him and all, she said no she did nothing to him so I took up the challenge and went in search of my daughters problem cause she means a lot to me then I saw good reviews about SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM then I contacted him for help in hacking my daughter spouse phone and after this was done the hacker directed all his chats and informations he uses on his phone right in my phone I was reading all his text, then I called my daughter to come over and we both read his messages and right on his informations we saw some kind of applications where he do order hookers for sex and I looked at my daughter and told her that I knew something was not just right but I and my daughter are here to say a big thanks to SPYEXPERT0@GMAIL.COM.

Anonymous said...

I came up here to testify of the wonderful work RUSSIANCYBERHACKERS@GMAIL.COM had done for me though I have passed through 5 hackers and they did nothing for me until I saw this faithful hacker. well straight to my point I had bad credit scores and also my wife has been seeing her boss lately this has been going on since last year, have been feeling so bad that I felt like taking my life but I decided to try one more time on another hacker and behold after my contact with RUSSIANCYBERHACKERS@GMAIL.COM my bad and poor credit scores where fixed in less than 3 hours and also my wife phone was hacked and I had access to her phone on my iPhone 7, now my divorce with her is made very easy with a lot of proof. Thanks to a great hacker.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I thank God I came in contact with DARKHATTHACKER@GMAIL.COM and since then I have seen great changes in my spouse.


For over 2 months I have felt emotionally disconnected with my significant other. I have had to endure the feelings of being lonely, sad and unappreciated which has led to a secondary feeling of anger and resentment for my partner. Without a doubt, I knew she was cheating on me. So, I searched online and I found the glowing and enthusiastic praise of this penetration tester THE_PRIEST@TUTANOTA.COM. I engaged him for his services and under 18 hours he gave a remote access to my ex-wife’s telegram, emails, Instagram and WhatsApp with great display of professionalism. I am glad I followed my instinct. That’s my review.

Flora said...

Do you need an urgent blank ATM CARD to solve your financial needs. i want to tell the world about my experience with. i discovered an hacking team called skylink technoloy. they re really good at what they do, i inquired about the BLANK ATM CARD. if it works or even Exist, then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. three days later i received my card and tried it with the closest ATM machine to me, and to my greatest surprise it worked like magic. i was able to withdraw up to $4000.This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD CANNOT penetrate into it because it have been programmed with various tools and software. i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. The card have really change my life. if you want to contact them, HERE is the email

skylinktechnes@yahoo.com or whatsapp: +1(213)328–0248

Jim Burgees said...

Having a cheating wife is a big pain in my ass. i make sure i satisfy my wife with all that she wants but still she feels that my effort is not good enough just yesterday i hired a certified hacker cause i noticed some silly movement from my wife that made me hired a hacker this hacker was able to hack her phone and credited me with full results of my wife whats-app messages, call logs, deleted text messages, snap chat, Instagram, Facebook and many more i found out that my wife is dating a 33 years old man and also planning to relocate with the man and leave me behind but GOD knows the best i can't kill my self for my wife i just have to move on with my life and take care of my children. thanks to a great hacker contact - Hackassets via google mail

Anonymous said...

Do you have infidelity issues or credit score issues and you need to do a credit repair or better rating
We strongly suggest you hire a smart, experienced and certified professional hacker.
We help out with several hacks and I am sure we can help you out as well. We are truly geniuses at what we do.
You can reach us through this:-

whatsapp:+1 267 652 3114
Text:{202} 996 8529S

Anonymous said...

I don't know how to thank you darkhatthacker@gmail.com. This is a hacker that knows the pain of men and women out there. i was referred to this great hacker with the help of Carolyn Edgar and all service came out in flying colors at an affordable price thank you darkhatthacker@gmail.com. 

Brackettjames said...

Right now, millions of hackers, spammers and scammers are hard at work. They're after your Social Security number, bank account information and social media accounts. With any of these, they can steal your money or trick your friends into giving up theirs.
Between semi-amateurs with automated systems and serious hackers who are masters of technology and trickery, how can you possibly hope to stay safe?

The best way is to know how hackers do what they do. Once you know that, you can counter their malicious acts.
Welcome to the ALEXGHACKLORD@GMAIL .com
In the world of hacking we are the best when it comes to client satisfaction. Stop being scammed by fake hackers. Profound Hacks Tech is an experienced online Private Investigator/Ethical Hacker providing investigative solutions and related services to individuals. You might be curious that what hacking group services can provide? .. If you hire a hacker, you always have worried of losing your money. We won't keep a cent if we can't do your job. 100% refund if job is not completed. Contact - ALEXGHACKLORD@GMAIL. com We render
+University Grades Hack,
+Bank Account Hacks,
+Control devices remotely hack,
+Facebook Hacking Tricks,
+Gmail, AOL, Yahoomail, inbox, mobile phone (call and text message Hacking are available)
+Database Hacking,
+PC Computer Tricks
+Bank transfer, Western Union, Money Gram, Credit Card transfer
+Wiping of Credit,
+VPN Software,
+ATM Hack
+Are you suspecting your partner of cheating or having an extramarital affair?
As that could result in unnecessary confusion in your relationship or marriage. it's always advisable to consult a professional hacker to help you get concrete evidence by discreetly getting access to their phone or computers.
ALEXGHACKLORD can also work on that.

Ashley Smith said...

I am currently accessing an entire cellphone belonging to my spouse who is out of the country at the moment. All thanks to this pro Russian hacker Arthur Vitali, I can confidently view all phone activities from my own cellphone. CONTACT Arthur on WHATSAPP +79067047837 EMAIL- Quickarturhack @ gmail . com
He recently helped my dad's friend boost his credit score from 424 to over 750+ within 14 working days. I promised to post this review about him, he is a real nice guy.

Anonymous said...

Contact the best hacker @anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com i got a lot of hacking help from him at an affordable price.

Anonymous said...

I am here to thank you spyexpert0@gmail.com for the help. Am happy to say i had a perfect divorce with proof that my husband is a big time cheat.

Anonymous said...

Thank you anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com i was able to gain access to my wife phone in less than 2 hours. with the help of this hacker.

Anonymous said...

I needed a quick clone to my husband imessages cause i suspect his cheating on me. i contacted russiancyberhackers@gmail.com
to help in the cloning of my husband phone to get full control of his imessages, this hacker never disappointed me and am happy to say a very big thank you.

Katelyn Bond said...

Men have taken me for a fool all in the name of love. Thank you jeajamhacker@gmail.com for the best hacking service you gave to me .

Susan Hurst said...

My ex driver has been sleeping with my wife for a year now and i never knew about it not until a friend of mine told me to hack my wife phone to see if she is faithful in this marriage and also told me how he hacked his wife phone also. that was how i contacted spyexpert0@gmail.com who helped me in the hacking of my wife phone and i was able to read all deleted text messages and behold i saw my wife conversations with my ex driver and how she always ask him to come to my house when ever am out for work or out of the country i was really pained. Men out there you need spyexpert0@gmail.com to know if your wife is really who she is. thank you spyexpert.

Anonymous said...

Since last month my wife have been travelling to Canada and when i ask she will say she is on a business trip, when ever my wife gets to Canada she switch of her phone so i wont be able reach her, well i proofed to her i was smarter than her by contacting anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com
and told him how i wanted my wife text messages, call logs, deleted text messages, whats-app, Facebook and many more information even as my wife phone was switched off this hacker still extracted all her information's she has on the phone and i was able to access my wife phone. i never knew my wife has been seeing another man that's why she kept on telling me about her visit to Canada for a business trip a woman i married has been lying to me all this while well thanks to  anonymousmaskhat for the smart job.

jamie said...

They are all scammers, they will make you pay after which they will give you an excuse asking you to pay more money, they have ripped me of $2000, i promised i was going to expose them. I figured it all out when my colleague took me to Pavel (HACKINTECHNOLOGY@GMAIL.COM) +1 669 225 2253 He did perfect job, he hacks all accounts ranging from (Emails, Facebook, whatsapp, imo, skype, instagram, Phone cloning, DMV removal, tracking locations, background checks Kik etc. he also hacks cell phones, cell phone tapping and cloning, clears bad driving and criminal records, bank transfers, locates missing individuals e.t.c. You should contact him and please stop using contacts you see on websites to execute jobs for you, you can ask around to find a real hacker.

Twiz Stanley said...

Stop fu**ing married men and women. i was able to catch my best friend fu**ing my wife with the help of jeajamhacker@gamail.com. I never knew all of this has been going on till i saw reviews online on how to catch cheating spouse and i saw jeajamhacker@gmail.com email on so many platform on how he helped so many people get access to there spouse phone, thanks to you jeajamhacker.

Anonymous said...

Don't be a fool for a long time know and study who your spouse is, am really talking out of experience because i have passed through a lot from the person i call my husband. He maltreats me,  i never knew there was another woman in the picture dating my husband till i came in contact with a hacker that knows all and do all (jeajamhacker@gmail.com) this hacker helped me in gaining full control over my husband phone and i was able to read all the rubbish he has been saying and doing on his whats-app, text messages, deleted text messages and many more. this hacker was really my saving grace if not i would never know why my so called husband treats me like trash.

Joe Busa said...

Merry Xmas in advance people. i want to appreciate Anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com for the successful hack he ran on my wife phone, i contacted this hacker march 2019 and the hack was to run for a period of 10 months its already December from the time i got this hack  so am here to thank Anonymousmaskhat for being honest. Al-through march till this day i have been monitoring my wife activities on her phone right on my phone without her knowing about the hack done on her phone. The subscription is gonna finish tomorrow and i feel its wise to appreciate people like Anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com. Thanks for everything, you kept to your words and God will bless you. i will never fail to keep directing my friends to you.

Anonymous said...

I heard about Verifiedprohackers@gmail.com and i gave them a try and believe me it came out smooth and successful in less than 3 hours i was able to access a phone i could not get hold off.

Rose Evans said...

I am blessed having darkhatthacker@gmail.com working for me. this is my first time using darkhatthacker and i must say this. This hacker is great this hacker hacked into my husband phone with just my husband phone number and brought me a lot off results from my husband phone. i got to read my husband text messages, deleted text messages, call logs, whats-app and many more. please family and friends help me in celebrating this great hacker.

Tierstan Cochran said...

I have been in a relationship with my man and yet the relationship is not going to the next level. NOT EVEN A RING. so a friend referred me to russiancyberhackers@gmail.com to know if my man is faithful. then i emailed this hacker and we talked and i asked him to give me full access to my boyfriend phone without any notice or notifications, i had no problem paying him upfront so i made a down-payment in other to get this job done Asap. In less than 3 hours i got access to my boyfriend phone right on my phone i read a lot from his whats-app, and it came to my understanding that my boyfriend has been deceiving me all this while i never knew he was engaged to another woman and there wedding is in a month time. i was shocked but am thankful to russiancyberhackers for the help and job Weldon God bless you 

Larry Hawkins said...

Merry Xmas to you jeajamhacker@gmail.com and also thanks for a successful hack you did for me from January till December. God bless you for me.

Kelly Thacker said...

You need a verified hacker who can extract information's from cell phones?
contact Verifiedprohackers@gmail.com.
I used there services yesterday for the first time and there job were so professional.
Thanks to the best hackers.

Anonymous said...

Men we are about to get to the new year 2020. all men out there try your best to stop cheating on your partners. if you guys don't stop we will keep catching ya all with the help of Anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com #peace

Arjuna Goins said...

If you love russiancyberhackers@gmail. com like i do God will bless you. this hacker is faithful and trust worthy i bet you his services are very reliable

Anonymous said...

Who will ever imagine or believe that my mom is a big cheat. I caught her yesterday although she has been bringing a particular strange man to the house and claim the man is her partner in the office but i never believed her. I hired a hacker (Spyexpert0@gmail.com) to help me hack into my mom iPhone and Samsung cell phone because i was not comfortable with what she has been telling me about the man that comes to the house to visit and each time the man comes my dad will be in the office so i took it upon my self to investigate all. After some hours this hacker gave me access to my mom phone without having me to go close to her phone, i was always monitoring her conversations between her and the man though am yet to find out what is really going on between them. Am writing this to encourages kids if you notice strange moves about your parents try to investigate before actions. shout out to this hacker who granted me access to my mom phones on my phone i have all the applications my mom uses on her phone right on my phone. thank you Spyexpert0@gmail.com you are my back bone from now. God bless you

Ben Starnes said...

No bad vibe this year and no room for rubbish. if you notice a change in your spouse never seat and cry take actions like i did today and am happy seeing all the results i put in this. I contacted darkhatthacker@gmail.com to help me in cloning my wife phone cause i suspected a lot about her in 2019. After the hack  darkhatthacker gave me access to her phone without touching her phone and now i monitor every single thing she does on her phone. At first i never believed phone could be hacked until darkhatthacker worked for me.

Anonymous said...

Contact anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com if you have any problem when it comes to-
- Phone hack
- Delete records
- Improve credit score
- improve poor grades
I have used there service in gaining access to my ex boy friend who has been trying to blackmail me.
so am talking from experience of there service, it works for real and i trust there service 100%

Fayth Klauka said...

Jeajamhacker@gmail.com am so grateful using you guys services to hack into my husband Facebook messenger and am so happy it was a success. never used a hacker before this is my first time and am happy with all the results i got from Jeajamhacker@gmail.com thanks

Gary Gillow said...

I had a great year in 2019 working with the best hacker @ spyexpert0@gmail.com. all jobs given to him by my friends and i were all done right and successful with no trace. I advice people go for the best so you get the best.

Anonymous said...

So much peace and happiness in my heart as i find the best hacker that has been able to break into my spouse phones. A big thank you to anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com you are really a great hacker

Anonymous said...

Thank God for hackers!
I just caught my wife having an affair with my boss right under my nose. Thank you darkhatthacker@gmail.com

Barian Raphael Vaughan said...

Believe in one hacker and it will work for you just like i believed in jeajamhacker@gmail.com and today am happy with the job well done, once again thanks to you jeajamhacker i see you as my second God i have, cause you have never disappointed in any way.

Patrick Martin said...

I discovered a lot of things that my wife has been doing at my back after a phone hack i ran on my wife phone with the help of verifiedprohackers@gmail.com i was looking for a particular document which was pictured with my wife phone 3 months ago and she noticed it was not on her phone any more when i asked for the document. Then i hired a hacker to help in retrieving my wife deleted items and when it was done. the hacker sent all the results to my phone directly. on the process of looking for the documents i found a lot of deleted text messages that my wife has been sending to another man, i was disappointed but am happy if not for this document i was looking for i would never know my wife is having an affair with another man. Thank you verifiedprohackers@gmail.com

David Arthur said...

I thank God for making the right choice for me by helping me get access to my wife phone so i can proof my wife wrong in the divorce case. with the help of spyexpert0@gmail.com i had full control of my wife phone and got a lot of proof.

Lara Kwiotek said...

I have come a long way with anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com and i trust his services when it comes to hacking of devices and many more. This hacker has really operated on so many phones that i provided for him to help me hack into and all the phones  anonymousmaskhat hacked came out successfully. i just want to appreciate the good work that  anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com did for me. 

Ray Reed said...

I got a clean job from jeajamhacker@gmail.com hacking into my girl friend Facebook and text messages. 

James Young said...

men cant be trusted at all that's why i use the service of russiancyberhackers@gmail.com to catch my husband when ever i notice any funny moves he makes.

William Mathe said...

You cant be going through heart break from your partner without finding out what the problem really is. or having a bad moment because of your bad credit score without seeking solutions. You are a student and your grades needs attention all i will do is to recommend you all to jeajamhacker@gmail.com who helped me when i was in the same condition at a very affordable price. Thanks 

Anonymous said...

Just yesterday i notice some strange behavior from my daughter of 15 years old. though i tried asking her some questions she said its nothing.
i had to hire verifiedprohackers@gmail.com so i could be able to gain access to my daughter phone in a way she would never know, after some hours i got full results and access to my daughter phone without going close to her phone. After going through my daughter phone i noticed from her conversations with her friends that my daughter has been practicing lesbianism. please parent always look out for your kids make underground investigation just to make sure they are on the right track.

Ken Middaugh said...

wow i just caught my wife red handed cheating one me. i must say spyexpert0@gmail.com is the main plug thanks for the help. you really saved me from so many things i would have never known.

Joe Garvie said...

Don't be down because of your spouse is cheating on you. There are solutions and that solution is what i have been using and it works for me.
email: jeajamhacker@gmail.com for help, and solutions will be given to you. At first i never believed that hacking of device works, but after jeajamhacker worked for me i confirmed it in less than 2 hours and today am a big fan of jeajamhacker@gmail.com.

Anonymous said...

A lot happening in relationships and marriages all because of cheating Husband and Wife/ Boy friend and Girl friend. My neigh-boor has been depressed because she suspects her husband cheating on her and now the man what's a divorce she ran to me for help and i recommended her to contact verifiedprohackers@gmail.com cause this hacker has been helping me when it comes to phone hacks and all and i have known this hacker for 2 year now, he never delays my job and people i recommend to. now am happy to share that my neigh-boor won the case with a lot of proof that verifiedprohackers gave her. I have been a leaving witness that's why i wont stop preaching about verifiedprohackers@gmail.com because he is reliable 

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